
Andrew Natsios

Emma Sky

Rochelle Terman

Robert Pape

Professor of Political Science, the University of Chicago
Robert Pape

Mira Rapp-Hooper

Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

Kiyoshi Ando

Peter Spiegel

US Managing Editor, Financial Times
Peter Spiegel is currently the US managing editor of the Financial Times. Prior to that, he worked at the Los Angeles Times and…
Headshot for Peter Spiegel

Euler Bropleh

Founder, VestedWorld
Euler Bropleh is the founder and managing director of VestedWorld, a venture capital fund focused on spurring sustainable economic growth in…
Headshot of Euler K. Bropleh

James Borel

Former Executive Vice President, DuPont

Henry Bienen

Council Board Member