
Khadine Bennett

Director, Advocacy and Intergovernmental Affairs, ACLU of Illinois
Khadine Bennett is Associate Legislative Director with the ACLU of Illinois. She drafts, testifies, and lobbies on a wide variety of legislative…
Headshot of Khadine Bennet.

Jailan Adly

Lead Consultant, Strategy, Amplifier

Olivia Shinners

Women, Peace, and Security Intern, Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Samantha De Jesus

Zack Lim

Intern, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy

Capricia Marshall

President, Global Engagement Strategies, LLC

Reuben Brigety

Vice Chancellor and President, Sewanee: The University of the South

Barbara Bodine

Director, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University

Molly Jahn

Principle Investigator, Jahn Research Group
Dr. Molly Jahn is the founding principal of the Jahn Research Group and a professor of agronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 2006…
Headshot of Molly Jahn

David Miliband

President and CEO, International Rescue Committee