
Kristina Wilfore

Co-founder, #ShePersisted
KW Headshot

Jenn Thom

Director of Experience Insights, Code for America
Headshot for Jennifer Thom

Alison Lands

Head of Strategy, SkyHive Technologies
Headshot for Alison Lands

Carolina Caeiro

Senior Internet Policy Specialist, Oxford Information Labs
Carolina Caeiro headshot

Ishanu Chattopadhyay

Assistant Professor of Medicine and Data Science, University of Chicago
Ishanu Chattopadhyay headshot

Kyla Scanlon

Educator, Creator, and Author
Kyla Scanlon is the founder of a financial education company and a creator. She writes a weekly newsletter, makes YouTube videos, hosts the “Let’s…
Photo of Kyla Scanlon

Mary Daly

President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Since 2018, Mary Daly has led the San Fracisco Federal Reserve Bank, the largest and most diverse Federal Reserve District, representing one fifth…
A headshot of Mary Daly.

Han Chen

CEO, ZeaKal, Inc
Han Chen is the CEO and Co-Founder of ZeaKal, Inc. He has been a pioneer in changing how agricultural trait technologies are commercialized,…
Headshot of Han Chen.

Richard Moore

Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs
Lt. Gen. Moore is the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Airforce, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va. In his role he…
A headshot of Lt. Gen. Richard G. Moore, Jr.

Hairil Rizal Abdullah

Clinical Director, Office of Value Based Healthcare, Singapore General Hospital
Headshot for Hairil Rizal Abdullah